Aug 13
Dear Amy
This is one of many Pretty views about Cairo. All the Mosques of Cairo were built with covering stones that were once the Surface of the G Pyramid of Giza.
Best Love
Aug 13
Dear Amy
This is one of many Pretty views about Cairo. All the Mosques of Cairo were built with covering stones that were once the Surface of the G Pyramid of Giza.
Best Love
Dear Maude:
Most of the pictures have a camel in them. They are wonderful animals and have a soft foot that is shaped like a cow’s and spreads so as not to sink in the sand. Most of this country is sandy and only for the camel people could not get along nearly so well as they do.
Camels in Egypt
August 13, 1915.
My dear Mother,
I am still having a good trip. There is a lot to see that is new and interesting.
We are about to move in the morning or Sunday for Turkey.
We have just heard that our men have won a big battle and we are to be put in to keep the Turk on the run as much as possible. Most of us are pretty excited.
We hear a good many stories about the front from wounded men here. There are a good many of them and they don’t care much for the Turk.
The last mail is about to close. This has been sprung on us. A bit of it may only be rumour anyway. I will write to you from Gallipoli.
Love to all
Anzac Day at Warwick
Maude, Amy & Norman
Stid's Attestation Papers