We Went to Warwick
April 29, 1917
Dear Mother
This old pot is about three or four feet deep and is used for making punch when big Balls we are given in the castle. It’s in the corner of the Great Dining Hall.
The old armours on the wall have been warn by diffreent defenders of the Castle even a horse that once fought for it is in armour there.
Love from Stid
The old Castle has many hundreds of acres of fine grounds about it and pea Cocks (sic) roam about everywhere many of the trees are kept trimmed the shape of the Building (?) the full way about four feet from the top of the walls inside is about four feet wide notice the steps over the pea Cock on the walls the walls are Covered with creepers but all are quite good and very thick.
Love from Stid
Picture Guy’s Tower, Warwick Castle (peacock in front)
New College, 29/4/17
Dear Daisy,
The old towers are very solid. There is only a small winding stairway up inside to enable the defenders to get up on top so in the days of bows and and arrows it was a pretty safe place to be.
A few modern shells would convert it into a rubbish heap and this sort of thing has been destroyed in France.
Love from Stid
Warwick Castle Postcard
New College, 29/4/17
Dear Father,
The dear old castle walls were pretty solid. The doorway shows the thickness between the two where light comes down from above and where pikes and boiling tar could be used if invaders succeeded getting past the first door. Anyone may go through the place for 2/-
and there are post card books of views on sale inside run by the Countess of Warwick. It’s pretty narrow (?) for people so wealthy to have tourists as part of their income, isn’t it?
Love from Stid
Warwick Castle Postcard
Note: the date is a guess, there is no date on this postcard.
Dear Mother: Some wounded soldiers were being entertained at tea when I was in this room. The Butler showed a party of us round for a consideration. This fountain pen is the one you gave me when I came (soldiering?). I like to… Heaps of Love from Stid
Post Card, (Warwick Castle) Warwick, 27/4/17
Dear Amy,
We us and Co. have been at Warwick for a week target shooting. On Wednesday we celebrated Anzac Day with a dinner and generally gay evening. We Australians visited the castle in force in the afternoon. It is quite the finest in existence with very fine views from the top of its walls. The interior is very luxurious. Its owners live in it about three months of the year. I got your February letter this morning.
Love, from Stid
Anzac Day at Warwick menu
The Courtyard Warwick Castle – postcard to Amy
New College Oxford
Dear Mother
Every thing is old about Oxford even the new College. I got a book of views of the college that I will send home in a day or so. We got a group photo of the Australian Cadets taken and when it’s printed I’ll send a copy. I had intended getting a photo of self but will wait until I can put the Star on my tunic. Now the course has about 5 weeks to go and I’ve been getting good passes on the exams lately. So I hope to get through all right. We are having a huge picnic here plenty of work and a fair amount of play. So are enjoying it while it lasts.
Love from Stid
New College, Oxford, 22/4/17
Dear Nona
I went to the Albert Hall to see the Good Friday concert while on leave in London but the doors were closed about 20 people in front of me. It holds 1,500 people and there were as many outside on this day. I was among the disappointed so I wandered off and spent the afternoon at the zoo. It claims to be the best in the world. It is certainly a big one. The old elephant who carries little boys and girls about has done it for about 100 years.
Love from Stid.
Post Card (Albert Hall) New College, Oxford, 22/4/17
Dear Ock,
You probably haven’t been in a museum yet. They are places for putting everything in – birds, sheep, horses, fishes, snakes, pictures, engines, books from every part of the world. In one I was in they have the sledge that was taken to the South Pole and a gun that shoots big shells that was made in Kimberly during the Boer War. Little boys like the Mechanical Museum because there are so many moving toys, but little chaps are only let in with somebody who signs a book and must see that nothing is ill used.
Love from Stid
Anzac Day at Warwick
Maude, Amy & Norman
Stid's Attestation Papers