Dear Ock
I’ve taken a squad of men on police study in this place. Camped at Salisbury Plains. Many of the famous buildings of English villages are to me very like the French. Except English people are much cleaner.
Love from
Dear Ock
I’ve taken a squad of men on police study in this place. Camped at Salisbury Plains. Many of the famous buildings of English villages are to me very like the French. Except English people are much cleaner.
Love from
Post Card (Albert Hall) New College, Oxford, 22/4/17
Dear Ock,
You probably haven’t been in a museum yet. They are places for putting everything in – birds, sheep, horses, fishes, snakes, pictures, engines, books from every part of the world. In one I was in they have the sledge that was taken to the South Pole and a gun that shoots big shells that was made in Kimberly during the Boer War. Little boys like the Mechanical Museum because there are so many moving toys, but little chaps are only let in with somebody who signs a book and must see that nothing is ill used.
Love from Stid
New College 20/3/17
Dear Ock
This is a fine old place my room is just about cut in two it’s in the part of the buildings that look a long way over on the right of the picture. They are about 100 years old. From the right of the principle part of this building there are about 250 cadets here and rooms I think for a thousand. The foreground of the picture is used for army wounded. Soldiers now building behind the camera part are used as a hospital.
The wall built by the Romans and between this part where my room is and I can see the whole of it.
Love from Stid
France Nov 1, 1916
Dear Ock
May Yours be a merry Xmas with plenty of puppies to romp with. There is a Little Boy at our Billett Says these cards are (Trey Bon Pour Gasons (sic) ) very good for Boys and as I couldn’t get others I hope it will be Bon”. French kiddies like hats. They are strange to them and they feel very big with one of our hats and putties. They build Little trenches Stick Guns and Beds (for day use) out in the mud & collect forests of (gun) shells to make a fort and play soldiers & get a lot of fun out of it. They feel very proud if they have a badge of some regiment on their cap.
Love from Stid
Postcard to Ock Nov 1
Post Card/Armentieres, April 18
Dear Ock,
We taught some boys about your age to catch fish in the stream yesterday- with worms, cotton and a rod. We got about 150 an hour, then we let them go again. We had some lollies, too for bait for ourselves and the boys’ mothers brought us some coffee-au-lai – coffee and milk. Boys pick up English very quickly.
Love from Stid
May 28th, 1915
Dear Ock,
Thank you for your letter, I’ve been a lazy boy for not writing but I am getting along all right. We get night work every evening and don’t get as much time off as we used to.
We will do all our own signalling when we are at sea. The military men don’t man the ship, ordinary seamen do that part but the signalling is taken over by us.
Sail any day now the boat we are going on is in Sydney. Came in this morning. We are going to England we think our address was given out as No 39 N.O. L Hull 18 Batt. 13th? Inf Brigade A.I.F. England but it may be changed so I will let you all know.
Best love to all, Stid
Dear Ock
I got a spider for your wall. I will bring it over on Sunday.
Kind Regards:
Anzac Day at Warwick
Maude, Amy & Norman
Stid's Attestation Papers